Warning: getimagesize(/home/sites/lolipop.jp/users/ciao.jp-39shinya/web/images/exhibitions_img/webTokyo galerieH Noh-8263+2768-name.JPG) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/users/2/ciao.jp-39shinya/web/modules/previous.php on line 19


日時:2021年9月28日(火)~10月3日(日) 12:00~19:00
  場所:at Gallery Maronie (ギャラリー・マロニエ)
〒604-8027 京都市中京区河原町通四条上る塩屋町3
Tel 075-221-0117FAX:075-221-3153
場所:ガルリ・アッシュ( galerieH )
所在地:103-0024 東京都中央区日本橋小舟町7-13 東海日本橋ハイツ2F
 Tel&Fax :03-3527-2545    https://galerie-h.jp
参加作家:5人 主宰者 新屋進 /丸田康裕・森原徳一郎・高塚孝一・煌賀 チコリ
新屋 進 パリ個展 <Susumu SHINYA Solo Exhibition in Paris
Au coeur du Nô et des danses Kagura
 Vernissage 11月5日 18 :00~
場所:Galerie Mandarine :15 rue de Seine Paris 75006
tel 33 6 20 81 14 52  www.galerie-mandarine.com
場所:Gallery 北野坂 3F  
主催者:丸田康裕・森原徳一郎・池田直美・小雲義文・誉田由香・中鶴寿彦・山崎真津子/ 講師 新屋進 
写真展名:<写真集出版記念>新屋進写真展『Paris à nouveau(パリ再び)』
場所:Gallery 北野坂 3F  
 〒650-0003 神戸市中央区山本通1-7-17 WALL AVENUE4F  Tel 078 222 5517 
新屋進写真作品展 『 壁中の能楽 』
場所:Gallery 北野坂 3F  
 〒650-0003 神戸市中央区山本通1-7-17 WALL AVENUE 3F  Tel 078 222 5517  
イベント:・作家トーク~写真家 新屋 進とゲストの京都観世会理事/能楽師・井上裕久氏との対談
  司会:京都観世会事務局 岸本協子氏 <7月20日(木) 15:00~16:30>
場所:Gallery 北野坂 4F  
  〒650-0003 神戸市中央区山本通1-7-17 WALL AVENUE4F  Tel 078 222 5517  
主催者:丸田康裕・森原徳一郎・山田佐和子・河鍋みのる/ 講師 新屋進 
イベント:(P+R)写真の魅力性について写真家 新屋 進と研究生4人による作家トーク
Salon Daguerre Triomphe<芦屋写真協会 パリ国際公募展 凱旋展>
場所:Gallery 北野坂 4F 
   〒650-0003 神戸市中央区山本通1-7-17 WALL AVENUE 4F  Tel 078 222 5517  
主催者:芦屋写真協会(佃陽子・石田哲也・新屋 進) 
イベント:[Road to Paris](パリ進出への道)についての作家トーク

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Exhibition[Ashiya/Two photographers]

写真展名:『芦屋・二人の写真家』~ハナヤ勘兵衛 展/ 新屋進 展

日時:2016年4月5日(火)~10日(日) 11:00~18:00
       Vernissage 4月6日(水)17:30~20:00

場所:〒650-0003 神戸市中央区山本通1-7-17WALL AVENUE 2F 3F
                   Tel 078 222 5517   http://gallery-kitnozaka.com

             主催者 新屋写真事務所   代表者   新屋 進
                    (株)ハナヤ勘兵衛  代表取締役 桑田敬司

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Warning: getimagesize(/home/sites/lolipop.jp/users/ciao.jp-39shinya/web/images/exhibitions_img/web_MG_8695Bo18+Zzz_SnapTuneDVin2Dra.JPG) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/users/2/ciao.jp-39shinya/web/modules/previous.php on line 58

Warning: getimagesize(/home/sites/lolipop.jp/users/ciao.jp-39shinya/web/images/exhibitions_img/webLexus & Photo Omote_SnapD2+Koshoku Zz.JPG) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/users/2/ciao.jp-39shinya/web/modules/previous.php on line 19

Lexus & Photo

<トヨタの名車Lexus とコラボ>
企画名:新屋 進写真販売展[Lexus & Photo]
場所   : Gallery Lexus 泉北
       〒599-8721 大阪府堺市中区深井北町551-1
             TEL 072-276-6500
期間   :2015年12月12日(土)~2016年2月3日(水)

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Warning: getimagesize(/home/sites/lolipop.jp/users/ciao.jp-39shinya/web/images/exhibitions_img/webIMG_6268Zz_SnapVintage+ColorZ+Dfine.JPG) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/users/2/ciao.jp-39shinya/web/modules/previous.php on line 49

Warning: getimagesize(/home/sites/lolipop.jp/users/ciao.jp-39shinya/web/images/exhibitions_img/webShinyaWorks0187.JPG) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/users/2/ciao.jp-39shinya/web/modules/previous.php on line 58

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CARAT Exhibition 2014

CARAT Exhibition 2014

   27th(thu) Nov ~ 11th(thu )Dec 2014
  * Ashiya PhotoContest winner’s work 10works
  * PPVB’s selective 10works
  * Susumu Shinya’s 10works from [Osaka American Village Story]

                             Total 30works Joint Exhibition at Dentsu Paris bld

Suported by
       Jean-Luc Chetrit | Président/ CEO  Carat France
       Naïma Barr | Assistante de Jean-Luc Chetrit et Véronique MoraelCarat France
            4 place de Saverne | Courbevoie |92971 |Paris La Défense cedex| France
                                          T +33 (0)1 41 16 77 02 | Fax +33 (0)1 41 16 59 49

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Paris Salon Daguerre

International Photo Contest [ Paris Salon Daguerre ]

パリの国際公募展Salon Daguerreにて下記4作品が入選 内一点が『Medaille d'or FIAP(FIAP金メダル賞)』を獲得したことによる展示
                         < La FIAP : Federation Internationale de l'Art Photographique>

①Metro Lamerck-Coulaincourt
②Pomegranates, apples & petit tomatoes
③St Pierre de Montmartre
④Vase with a blue rose and red bell pepper  (Medaille d'or FIAP)

 2014.11 14~11.24

Salons de la Mairie / Exhibition In the City Hall
12 rue Pierre Castagnou, 75014 Paris >

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Warning: getimagesize(/home/sites/lolipop.jp/users/ciao.jp-39shinya/web/images/exhibitions_img/webKitano DM OmoteXX-6Z+KoshoZ.JPG) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/users/2/ciao.jp-39shinya/web/modules/previous.php on line 19

Susumu Shinya Photo Exhibition

On the days when the air is full of spring, I have my own exhibition in Kobe Kitano  museum located in the Kobe foreigner's house street. Please visit us after choosing the fine sunny day.

[Room1=Paris photograph Room2=P+R photograph (picture?or photography?)] Room3= Japan photograph]

Susumu SHINYA photo-exhibition"Paris & Japan"

         2014.04.08( tue) ~ 04.20 (sun)
                                           9:30 ~17:30
          At Kobe Kitano museum

                            〒650-0002 2-9-6, Kitanocho, Chuo-ku, Kobe-shi
                            Tel  078 251 0581 < http://www.kitano-museum.com/>

        Artist on friday, saturday and sunday

        Entering charges: 500 yen
          If you bring this DM, two people available with free fee.
          If you need this DM,please get contact by mail or from “CONTACT”)

Warning: getimagesize(/home/sites/lolipop.jp/users/ciao.jp-39shinya/web/images/exhibitions_img/webKitano DM 2+MapPrintPackKoshoku Z.JPG) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/users/2/ciao.jp-39shinya/web/modules/previous.php on line 40

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Osaka American village story

Susumu Shinya Photo Exhibition
 [Osaka American Village Story]

    ①     2014.07.10(thu)~07.16(wed)
        10:00~18:00 (Last day 15:00)( Sunday Close )

             At Olympus Gallery Tokyo

         10:00~18:00(Last day 15:00)(sunday close)

           At Olympus Gallery Osaka

Warning: getimagesize(/home/sites/lolipop.jp/users/ciao.jp-39shinya/web/images/exhibitions_img/webAmeWaku1361.JPG) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/users/2/ciao.jp-39shinya/web/modules/previous.php on line 40

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Warning: getimagesize(/home/sites/lolipop.jp/users/ciao.jp-39shinya/web/images/exhibitions_img/web_MG_3310+PinZ.jpg) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/users/2/ciao.jp-39shinya/web/modules/previous.php on line 19

Ashiya City Exhibition

Ashiya City Exhibition

Work Name: [Picture? or Photograph? (Pomegranate,apple & petit tomato)]

With getting the prize
[Ashiya Art Museum prize for encouragement] &
[Audience Prize]...

at Ashiya art Museum

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Art & Design Open Source

[ Art & Design Open Source ]

      at Sanseido Gallery
     11:00~18:00 Opening Party 9.28 14:00~

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Promenade of the photograph

Date  2013/11/25~12/08
              Nishiki Mitsuwa Bld 3f 8-15 2choume Nisiki Nakaku Nagoya Aichi

It is provoked by heroic woman Tomoko Hasegawa of Nagoya and participates in the photo-events  "the promenade of the photograph".
They are planning to give the chances to exhibit the works to many artists & many Cafes/Restaurants/ television tower /Galleries in Nagoya city are going to support them by renting the places. This is a very wonderful opportunity for artists and contribute to the spread and improvement of the photograph culture.

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Osaka Shasingekkan

I join to Osaka Shasingekkan exhibition as third time.

     10:00~19:00(Last day 17:00)

  at  Fuji Film photo saloon Osaka
               Fuji film Oska Bild 1F 3-5-11 Bingocho Chuouku Osaka
                              tel 06 6205 8000                                   



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Paris-Troisième Rêve kobe

  Shinya Photo Exhibition 

[ Paris-Troisième Rêve ] (
三度目のパリ) at Kobe

2013.04.09(tue)04.14(sun) 11 :00~18 :00

At Gallery Kitanosaka

Wall Avenue 3f  1-7-17 yamamotodouri Chuuou-ku Kobe Hyogo Japan

                                   Tel 078 222 5517   http://www7.ocn.ne.jp/~kitano/

Warning: getimagesize(/home/sites/lolipop.jp/users/ciao.jp-39shinya/web/images/exhibitions_img/webTokyo Z-DM-hagakisize.jpg) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/users/2/ciao.jp-39shinya/web/modules/previous.php on line 19

Paris-Troisième Rêve Tokyo

Shinya Photo Exhibition Paris-Troisième Rêve 


             At Gallery H (ギャラリー・アッシュ)

        154-0004 2f Central Bld 1-15-12 Taisidou Setagayaku Tokyo

Warning: getimagesize(/home/sites/lolipop.jp/users/ciao.jp-39shinya/web/images/exhibitions_img/Web DM.JPG) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/users/2/ciao.jp-39shinya/web/modules/previous.php on line 19

Paris Photo Exhibition

Next Exhibition Guide

Inside of The Japan/Nippon ‘s Mind ] at Paris

Mois de la photo Paris (パリ写真月間)

   Date 30th(tue) Oct~10th(sat) Nov 2012

  At Espace Japon - Journal Ovni & Zoom Japon
Éditions Ilyfunet 12, rue de Nancy - 75010 Paris
Tel. 01 47 00 52 36 - Fax. 01 47 00 44 28

http://ovninavi.com- zoomjapon.info

The world of Japanese Culture

The "The Japan/Nippon" project, photographs the everyday and unusual aspects of Japanese culture, and records the psychological foundation.
The foundation of the Japanese mind, has been continuously passed down form generation to generation. My intention is to presents my work in Japan and outside of Japan.

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Ashiya photo exhibition The First

      From  6(sat) to 21(sun) October 2012
                           10:00 to 17:00

     At  Ashiya City art Museum
                        〒659-0052 12-15, isecho, Ashiya Hyogo
                              Tel 0797 38 5432
Susumu Shinya exhibition work

        ① "Woman shooting a bow"  from [Inside of the Japan/Nippon's Mind]
    ② Blue print "Heian-jingu Shrine"  from [Photograph print Black & Blue ]

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S.Shinya photo Exhibition in Osaka

Program Title: ( +me) Vol.4

Work name   : Photography Hanga (Black & Blue)

At Kaigan-doori  Gallery CASO
                           552-0022   7-23 2choume Kaigan-doori  Minato ku Osaka
                                             Tel/fax  06-6576-3633
 21th(tue) ~26th(sun)  August 2012
                                      (monday closed. 17:00 on last day)

Warning: getimagesize(/home/sites/lolipop.jp/users/ciao.jp-39shinya/web/images/exhibitions_img/webHanga-KeihannOhtu.jpg) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/users/2/ciao.jp-39shinya/web/modules/previous.php on line 40

Warning: getimagesize(/home/sites/lolipop.jp/users/ciao.jp-39shinya/web/images/exhibitions_img/webHanga-Peki (1).jpg) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/users/2/ciao.jp-39shinya/web/modules/previous.php on line 49

Warning: getimagesize(/home/sites/lolipop.jp/users/ciao.jp-39shinya/web/images/exhibitions_img/webHanga-Peki (2).jpg) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/users/2/ciao.jp-39shinya/web/modules/previous.php on line 58

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The month of photogarphy Osaka 2012

The Month of photography Osaka 2012

Susumu shinya exhibition [Ukiyoe & Zazen]

at Olympus Gallery Osaka
              〒550-0011 MID Nishihonmachi Bld 1-6-1 Awaza Nishiku Osaka
                         06) 6535-7911   

              10:00~19:00(last day 17:00)

Warning: getimagesize(/home/sites/lolipop.jp/users/ciao.jp-39shinya/web/images/exhibitions_img/webInsideBoardsquare(日本文).JPG) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/users/2/ciao.jp-39shinya/web/modules/previous.php on line 19

S.SHINYA Photograph Exhibition Tokyo

Next Exhibition Guide

Inside of The Japan/Nippon ‘s Mind ] at Tokyo

 Date13rd(sun)May~9th(sat)June 2012
At Gallery H
                      154-0004 1-15-12 Central Bld 2F Taisidou Setagayaku Tokyo

                        The world of Japanese Culture

The "The Japan/Nippon" project, photographs the everyday and unusual aspects of Japanese culture, and records the psychological foundation.
The foundation of the Japanese mind, has been continuously passed down form generation to generation. My intention is to presents my work in Japan and outside of Japan.


Warning: getimagesize(/home/sites/lolipop.jp/users/ciao.jp-39shinya/web/images/exhibitions_img/DM geidai.jpg) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/users/2/ciao.jp-39shinya/web/modules/previous.php on line 19

Kyoto Art university Graduation photo exhibition

Kyoto Art unversity Graduation photo Exhibition

From 28th(tue) Feb~5th(mon)March
                                  10:30~18:30(15:00 on last day)

                             At  Nikon Saloon Bis Sinjuku
                                   1-6-1 Nishi shinjuku Shinjuku ward tokyo Japan
                                                         Sinjuku Erutower Bld, 28th floor
                                                             tel 03(3344)0565
     No.2       From 11th(sun)~17th(sat) March
9:00~18:00(17:00 on last day) 
                             At Kyoto art Unversity Gallery Oubu
                                  2-116 Uriuyama Kitasirakawa sakyouku Kyoto
                                                             tel 075 791 9141

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Exhibition at Kyoto Kiyomizu temple

Exhibition title:A dedication display for Kyoto Kiyomizu temple special light up Event
The date and time: 18:00~21:00  9thNovember 2011
at the Kiyomizu Temple Noukyoudou yard
Sponsorship:Kyoto Kangetu(moon-viewing) Club
This is only for the Members of Kyoto Kangetu (moon-viewing)Club
Remarks:Every year  it is hosted by Kyoto moon-viewing club (meeting of  interchanging by the volunteer of various fields) descending from Kyoto Kiyomizu-dera Temple
By displaying [Regard],photograph in Paris &[ Zen meditation] of Japan,I want to have opportunity to think about Buddhism thought, philosophy of Kiyomizu-dera Temple which is 「空(kuu~Empty), 縁起(engi), 一如(itinyo),無我(Muga), 無常(mujou)」

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Kobe Biennale 2011

A  my photograph work is selected & going to be displayed in
Kobe Biennale exhibition .

1st(sut) Oct ~23rd (wed) Nov 2011

                   at Kobe Habourland center Bild 3F
     1choume higasi-kawasakichou chuuouku Kobe city Hyougo Japan


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promenade of photograph

I exhibit it at a "promenade plan exhibition of the photograph" in Nagoya as a combination exhibition of the Kyoto formative arts university photograph course.

         12th(wed)~16th(sun) Oct   2011

             At Nagoya citizen Gallery Yata  3F
                   〒461-0047  1-10 1choume taikouminami higashiku Nagoya city
                                            tel 052 719 0433

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Exhibition [ The month of Photogaraphy Osaka 2011 ]

     At    Olympas Gallery Osaka
    From  2011.05.26
       10:0018:00(on last day  17:00)

 My work      [Inside of The Japan/Nippon ‘sMind ] was exhibited in upper Gallery
                                The world of Japanese Culture
The "The Japan/Nippon" project, photographs the everyday and unusual aspects of Japanese culture, and records the psychological foundation.
The foundation of the Japanese mind, has been continuously passed down form generation to generation. My intention is to presents my work in Japan and outside of Japan. 
Issues concerning modern human "Psychological decay"
Why? How did it came to be that parents murder their children and the children murder their parents?
How do we live? Where do we belong?
How do we prevent the collapse of a cooperative Society?

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新屋進写真展-Paris again  [Paris la récurrente]
                    2011.04.12(tues) - 17(sun)
                    11:00 -18:00  (17:00 on  last day ) 
            At  Gallery Kitanozaka
                                       1-7-17 Yamamotodoori Chuuo-ku, Kobe-shi 
                                                 tel 078 222 5517       www7.ocn.ne.jp/ - kitano /

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S.SHINYA Photograph Exhibition

Next Exhibition Guide

Inside of The Japan/Nippon ‘s Mind ] at Kobe

      Date  21st (sat)27th (thu)  April 2012
         At Tor Gallery 1  078 334 0531 
                                The world of Japanese Culture

The "The Japan/Nippon" project, photographs the everyday and unusual aspects of Japanese culture, and records the psychological foundation.
The foundation of the Japanese mind, has been continuously passed down form generation to generation. My intention is to presents my work in Japan and outside of Japan. 


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    First Photo Exhibition   [  Paris of that winter  ]

                      2010.02.20 (sut)   to  26 (thu)  
                                      At   Tor-Gallery  1

                                                  3-12-13  Nagasadouri Chuuou-ku Kobe  Hyougo Japan
                                                                   tel    078 334 0531            www.tor-gallery.com

I  exhibited 35 pieces of my work here in a collection of photographs entitled "Paris of That Winter" in commemoration of its publication.   I found the exchange of opinions with various guests in attendance enjoyable, useful and stimulating. I sincerely thank everyone for that experience.


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Shinya Gallery
Guest Gallery

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